The stench of Death and Despair permeates this land till it is the only thing that you can feel; almost like a living thing. The creatures that reside here were beings that at one time knew the joy of life, but for some damnable reason or other they got themselves locked forever in the torment of the Morbid Pool. The things that call this place hell are hostile and blood thirsty while the swamps terrain gives the blood-thirsty creatures the upper advantage for ambushing you. Here the wild takes over, years ago a team of humans exploring the world decided to find out the secrets of this marshland. You can still hear their terror filled screams when the moon is high in the black sky. Entangled brush and roots make it nearly imposable for one to walk or even survive. (For the ones down of their luck, who never seem to take the right path in fate. This is to the far south of the Lake, almost set upon the border land.)